Datum:16.02.14 v. 14.02.2014: AGW movement collapsing - cooling December/January now for 20 years!
Details1:Typical of the green movement and the administration - they gravitate to the convenient extremes that can be expected almost every year somewhere.

This year the snow and cold in the east and central is reaching top ten or even worst ever levels. To do a press conference in one of these regions might lead to snow balls and laughter. So they head to eco friendly California. See how the Sierra snowpack is almost as bad as 1976/77 and 1923/24. But that means it happened before (when the Pacific was in the cold PDO La Nina modes) and in the past said to be multi year. In 2010/11, very heavy mountains snows brought nearly record snowmelt and skiing that continued into the summer. In 2010/11 near record snowpack filled up reservoirs but the state and federal government did not take advantage of the water to use when the inevitable dry year followed. But the blame gets shifted to carbon dioxide not incompetent bureaucrats. The Republican-controlled House recently voted to address the drought by rolling back environmental protections and temporarily halting the restoration of a dried-up stretch of the San Joaquin River, work that is designed to restore historic salmon runs. Farmers would prefer to have the water diverted to their crops instead. The democrats plan to provide financial aid - you can’t irrigate crops with dollar bills. Governor Jerry Brown wants no DC involvement. Mr. Brown wants to promote conservation, shore up water storage and recycling efforts, and invest in better infrastructure -all good ideas for California, an often-arid place that depends on good irrigation.

That is by the way the same advice I gave southern Brazilian farmers in 2010 where the cold PDO and more frequent La Ninas in the cold PDO mean more frequent droughts. The intervening El Ninos bring heavy rains that should be stored and used to irrigate crops in the drier prime areas. Drought is aggravated by low solar and we are entering a multidecadal period where that is likely.


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What do you
do, Sir?

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